Happy Body Asheville

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Bring more "Play" into your day!

"It is a happy talent to know how to play."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

When you hear the word "Play" what comes to mind?

Last week, I was at the grocery store and it was a particularly lovely day outside. I walked out into the parking lot with my cart of groceries and gave the cart a good push and jumped on for a ride! Of course the cart started to slowly swerve to the right and I had to jump off, steer straight and with a swift kick I jumped back on until I reached my car. "You're brave to do that in flip flops!" I heard another shopper with a big smile say to me. We both laughed and I felt my being lift - feeling lighter and more joyful. I felt connected to the people around me in laughing with that stranger, and I also felt a little like I got away with something. That I, as an adult, got to play in the middle of a parking lot where all of this serious business of "adulting" was going on. It also occurred to me that if I had continued on in my very normal way of simply walking to my car, I would have missed out on that joyful little experience...

"Play energizes us and enlivens us.
It eases our burdens.
It renews our natural sense of optimism
and opens us up to new possibilities."

-Stuart Brown

This month we are exploring all ways to incorporate the concept of play into our days as a way to not only find more joy, but to find our edges, question our patterns, feel new possibilities, and most importantly, learn something new about ourselves and this incredible body that helps carry us through the world.

Play is our brain’s favorite way of learning.
– Diane Ackerman

How do we create opportunities to play and experiment in our day?
One wise woman recently mentioned that she switches up where she keeps her dishes and most used items in her kitchen - alternating top cabinets and bottom cabinets to encourage her to body to learn new patterns and to squat down more frequently to get dinner plates. Alternately, putting some items up just a little higher to encourage a good, healthy reach to keep her arms and fingers stretching out from her body more often.

Play is the exultation of the possible.
– Martin Buber

We encourage you to experiment in class and sessions with us as well! Play with your edges and see what new movements you can explore. What feels good? What feels different or even silly to do? DO THAT! Stay curious.

Play with your voice when you sing! Sing if you don't! Take a different route to work or to visit a friend. Notice your surroundings and stop to look at new neighborhoods. Watch how animals play, how children play, and delight in the ways you might see your friends and family letting go and playing in their own ways. Enjoy the opportunity to expand and open to new ways of moving and being in your day. The sun is shining and I can't think of a better day to play!

- Ashton Peters

Stay Tuned! Special "Class for a Cause" Coming in August... 

Mary Beth has something special planned for August, so keep your eyes peeled for an announcement about a special Saturday class that will benefit Buncombe County School Nutrition's Summer Meals program!