Happy Body Asheville

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April's Theme is RENEWAL

"Did you know over 300 billion new cells are produced by our bodies each day? Talk about a brilliant system of renewal! For me, this is a great reminder that we have 300 billion opportunities each day to renew ourselves and re-create or re-imagine the being we'd like to be.

We are ever evolving, changing, dynamic, and malleable creatures. Take a minute and gift yourself three deep breaths to ponder those cells for a moment. What parts of who you were yesterday do you want to let go of? You're creating space for the new life to emerge! Next, utilize the power of those 300 billion new, vital, and curious cells to envision and support the being you'd like to become. And then give those new cells a big high five! Here's to the being you are becoming, renewing itself again and again and again (times a few hundred billion)."  - Jessica Mark

This class will focus on stretching, strengthening and release. We will integrate foam rollers, spikey balls and other props to release the body's tension patterns to utilize our muscular system with more efficiency. Suitable for all levels and those who are comfortable getting up from the floor. 

Wednesdays at 10:30a
with Alice Jane

End your week with some movement with Mary Beth! We've heard your feedback and we've switched up our Friday morning schedule from 8:30 Reformer to a 9:00 start time and we've made it a combo class. Best of both worlds! Looking forward to having you in class!

Fridays at 9:00a
with Mary Beth

Two Spots Left:  Gentle Yoga Series, Mondays in April! with Nathalie 

Sat. 4/27:  Yoga for Stretchy Serenity! with Amy Archinal 

A stretched body is more fluid and more relaxed and promotes a feeling of serenity. In this gentle and leisurely practice we'll be working progressively and meditatively as we open the body. Join us and feel the bliss of a happy body!

Join Amy for this wonderful opportunity to stretch and move! 
Saturday, 4/27
Happy Body South Location

Staff Spotlight!
This month we are shining a light on our wonderful Pilates instructor, Alice Jane! Read below to learn some fun facts:

1) What food can you not live without?
1/2 lemon juiced in my water first thing every morning, is that a food? Any kind of fruit! 

2) How long have you been at Happy Body?
Almost 2 months. Hi, I’m new here! And so HAPPY to be here! 

3) Last book you read?
The Gifts of Imperfection, by Brene Brown.

4) What is one thing on your bucket list?
I would love to take my daughter to meet her Grandpa (my dad) who lives in Thailand.

5) What is your secret talent?
I can spin plates and juggle. I did a circus show once ;) I’m a musical theatre college grad, I’m the CPI security girl on tv commercials, and I do voice over work too! Also, I’m a SuperMOM! 

6) Mantra that motivates you?
Gratitude, Gratitude, Gratitude! 

7) Best advice you've ever been given?
That I am responsible for my own happiness. 
8) What is your spirit animal?
A Peacock! I love to let my colorful feathers shine.  

9) You never leave home without?
Definitely my water bottle. I have to turn around if I forget it!

10) Favorite part of teaching?
Watching people make discoveries, (those aha! moments are gold to me) and helping clients to find more ease, balance strength and joy in their bodies.